I'm thrilled you're here! Whether you're getting married or starting a family, I am here to help you document your most treasured memories. When the party is over and the kids have grown, - the memories and photographs are all that's left.
I love how the sunflowers bloom as a last hurrah of the summertime! Heading up to the Sussex County Sunflower Maze in Sandyston NJ has become a yearly tradition for me! The family that owns the farm is so sweet and open up Liberty Farm, their family’s own property for thousands of people to go and take a stroll through the gorgeous maze of sunflowers in the countryside of Sussex County!
This year I met up with a few families for mini sessions there just before sunset. I can’t wait to head back out there next summer! it’s spectacular, a must go if you are looking for some outdoor summer fun with the family in New Jersey!